We transform good Pilates professionals into excellent Pilates professionals.

Study and train
Authentic Pilates Online

Understand, master, and apply Authentic Pilates with one of the greatest Pilates references in Brazil and the World, Inelia Garcia.

Self-knowledge and

Develop deep self-knowledge and discover your true potential while improving your students' health. We offer more than 160 classes, from beginner to advanced, totaling over 100 hours of intensive and specialized training.

+ 860


+ 160

Video Lessons

O que nossos alunos dizem

Visualize some of our classes




Ladder Barrel

Spine Corrector

Wunda Chair

O que estão falando sobre a plataforma Autêntico Pilates de Educação Continuada

Saiba identificar as necessidades específicas de cada aluno e a criar planos de aula personalizados para maximizar os resultados.

What else can you learn?

Skill Levels and Progressions.

Classes for beginners, basics, intermediates, and advanced, with strategies for continuous progression and level transition.

Lesson Construction and Structure.

Structure your lessons effectively and engagingly, including lesson building and conclusion.

Adaptations and Pathologies.

Safe and adapted execution of movements for different health conditions, with specific adaptations for all skill levels and exercises.

Pedagogical Processes and Teaching Methods.

Construction of exercises, development of movements, and formation of effective sequences.

Powerhouse and Core Activation.

Strengthen the body's center of force and teach your students to activate the core.

Pre-Pilates and Varied Repertoire.
Preparatory exercises, their benefits, and a wide range of exercises to diversify your classes.

Providing comprehensive and specialized training so you can expand your skills and offer the best to your students.

Our platform covers all
equipment and

Video Classes

+ 160


+ 860

Hours of Content

+ 140


+ 2300

Her reputation and commitment to the Pilates legacy were recognized in 2003 when she was named "Teacher of Teachers" by Romana Kryzanowska. Since then, Inelia has dedicated herself to training professionals (over 1,800) in the Authentic Pilates Method, accumulating more than 70,000 hours of training and instructor education.

Inelia Garcia
Teacher of Teachers

"Since I immersed myself in the principles of Authentic Pilates, I have witnessed a significant transformation in my career. My classes have become more precise and effective, and my confidence as an instructor has been strengthened. Now, I feel fully capable of guiding my students towards their health and wellness goals."

"The platform is a comprehensive guide to the true Pilates Method, demonstrating how exercises, when applied strategically, can transform both the body and the lives of students. The content goes further, showing how this methodology can improve the physical and mental performance of practitioners, providing a healthier and more balanced life."

"With the ability to generate superior results, instructors will increase student satisfaction and retention."

See some student results

Aproveite a oportunidade de expandir suas habilidades e conhecimentos com nossos encontros mensais online, onde você aprenderá técnicas inovadoras e conceitos avançados diretamente com a especialista Inelia.

Interaja em tempo real, esclarecendo suas dúvidas e recebendo feedback personalizado.


We offer a 15-day guarantee from the date of purchase. If it doesn't meet your expectations, we'll refund 100% of your investment, no questions asked.

15-day Unconditional Guarantee

Caminhando rumo à Maestria

Processos Pedagógicos • Mat Básico com Acessórios • Mat Básico com Acessórios – Magic Circle • Dinâmica do Mat • Finalização System Básico Wall • Finalização System Básico Wights e Ballet Stretch Sentado • Finalização System Básico Ballet Stretch Ladder Barrel • Considerações no Mat • Reformer Básico • Exercícios Construtivos • Wundar Chair Básico • Cadillac Básico • Eletric Chair • Exercícios Básicos • Tradition Ending para homens.

Módulo Iniciante

Processo Pedagógico do Reformer Intermediário I, II e III • Reformer Intermediário • Exercícios Construtivos para o Reformer Intermediário I, II, III, IV e V • Ladder Barrel I e II • Magic Circle • Aparelho Ped o Pull • Finalização com Wights • Cadillac I, II, III e IV • Wunda Chair I e II • Lives de Mat.

Módulo Intermediário

Perfeição vem com a repetição
e a prática constante.

A prática é o caminho para alcançar a excelência e a perfeição.

Pré Pilates com Triângulo • Cadillac Avançado I, II e III • Eletric Chair Avançado I e II • Wunda Chair Avançado I e II • Push Up Device I e II • Eletric Chair Original para Homens • Headdress (touca de cabeça) • Guilhotina Cadillac I, II e III • Processos Pedagógicos Mat Avançado I, II e III • Mat Avançado I e II • Processos Pedagógicos Reformer Avançado I, II, III, IV, V e VI • Reformer Avançado na Dinâmica I, II e III • Reformer Avançado Variações • Cadillac Avançado Leg Spring Séries I e II • Spine Corrector I e II.

Módulo Avanzado

Finalizações The Weights / Intermediário

Sequência de Braço com Molas / Intermediário - Avançado

Série Standing Arm Spring With Roll Back Barn Intermediário - Avançado

Traditional Ending Series / Intermediário - Avançado

Cadillac / Intermediário - Avançado

Neck Stretcher / Intermediário - Avançado

Finalizações The Weights / Avançado

Finalizações de aula - Splits in the air – Avançado

Ladder Barrel / Avançado

Toes Exercises

Foot Corrector - Acessórios

Avanço Exponencial

Além dos módulos já apresentados, a plataforma está ainda mais completa e atualizada com a adição do Módulo UpGrade. Este módulo adiciona uma nova dimensão à sua prática de Pilates, aprimorando sua capacidade de ensinar e realizar exercícios avançados.

Módulo UpGrade

Entre as atualizações, você encontrará:



+120 HOURS




See everything you'll get...

Bonus 1: 23 recorded workshops, over 40 hours of content

Bonus 2: Inelia Garcia's Exclusive Library +40 Question & Answer Videos

But only here, on this page, your only investment will be just

Total value: 270 USD

Click the button below and sign up now



per year


What is the duration of access to the platform?

For a full year, you will enjoy complete access to the course content and monthly live mentoring sessions.

Does the program offer a certificate of participation upon completion?

The certification in the Authentic Pilates Method is exclusively in-person, providing direct contact and personalized guidance that are essential requirements for those training with Inelia.

The online platform is not a training course; it is an improvement program.

Is there a warranty?

We offer a 15-day guarantee, demonstrating our commitment to your satisfaction. If, within this period, you conclude that the content does not meet your expectations or does not correspond to your investment, we commit to refunding 100% of the amount paid. Your success and satisfaction are our top priority.

Secure Purchase

Protected Privacy

Satisfaction Guaranteed

All rights reserved - Inelia Garcia Academy Cursos LTDA - CNPJ 45.639.235/0001-66

All rights reserved - Inelia Garcia Academy Cursos LTDA - CNPJ 45.639.235/0001-66